[Samba] New Files in Samba

Eric Halverson ehalverson at dchs.us
Thu Mar 27 14:37:22 GMT 2003

On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 08:31, Jaques Metz wrote:
> Hi.
> I've configured Samba to work as a dedicated file server, but when a user create a new file in the shared directory, only this user can os access this file. What should I do to change this?
> Thanks.
> Jaques Metz

You'll want to look at the create mask (or create mode) options in that
share.  If you want rwx access for the creator and primary group, create
mask would be 0770, if you want full access for everyone to have full
access to the files, create mask would reflect 0777.  Just make sure
that your create mask corresponds with the linux/unix file permission

Eric Halverson <ehalverson at dchs.us>
Doctors Care Health Services

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