[Samba] Win95 & Win98 - NOT WORKING - NT,2000, XP are ok
John H Terpstra
jht at samba.org
Thu Mar 13 05:02:55 GMT 2003
On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 peter.a.bryant at mainroads.qld.gov.au wrote:
Suggest you add a [printers] entry in your smb.conf file. You should NOT
need an entry for the printer itself. My samba-2.2.x prints fine from
Win95/98/Me as well as NT4/2K/XP.
- John T.
> Hey, thanks for your efforts anyway.
> I don't know what to make of this.
> Obviously a lot of things have changed between Samba 2.0.6 and 2.2.7a,
> but I can't figure out why Win95 & 98 suddenly can't print.
> I think you may be right - something to do with the new Samba using the
> MS-RPCs...
> which I imagine would mean a completely different printing method.
> Do you think this would require a different printer driver on the 95/98 boxes??
> >From what I read, I had the impression that it should all still work.
> I'd like to hear from anyone if they are successfully printing from Win95,
> Win98 clients
> on a Solaris server and using HP printers.
> I'm sure many people must be successfully printing from 95/98, but maybe this
> problem
> is specific to my particular environment ?
> I am contemplating your suggestion about the bug message.
> Maybe another day or so of frustration and I will try it.
> again - thanks muchly for your help.
> -peter.
> >Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 18:33:35 +0100
> >From: "maraqas" <maraqas at libero.it>
> >
> >Hi Peter,
> > i had a long, frunstrating web surfing yesterday night, searching for
> >something
> >that could apply to your case. I didn't find much at all, sorry. The only
> >thing
> >perhaps interesting to you could be this:
> >http://us2.samba.org/samba/ftp/docs/htmldocs/printer_driver2.html
> >This doc contains a section about migrating from 2.0.x to 2.2.x
> >I think the problem lyes in the new way samba manages printing, that is
> >by listening the MS-RPCs (Remote Procedure Call) coming from the
> >winNT and win2000 clients. This is done thanks to spoolss, as i figured
> >out reading here and there across the net. Well they say spoolss supports
> >even win9x driver calls, even if those OSes do not actually make an RPC.
> >They also say that backward compat. is reached through "use client driver"
> >and "spoolss disable". With these options enabled, the samba server should
> >act just like it was a 2.0.x
> >I think you'd need help from the samba guys themselves, so i advice
> >reposting this problem with a more shocking subject line (suggest to
> >use the keyword BUG :)) so you'll be able to capture their attention.
> >
> >Really sorry not to have been useful to you...
> >
> >cheers
> >
> >Maq
> >>Sorry to have to repost this (didn't get any response on the first post),
> >>we really need some of the fixes of the new Samba but cannot go ahead without
> the support for the older machines.
> >>Need to prove that Samba is the great product that I believe it is.
> >>
> >>Hi folks - I am having printing problems with our older machines.
> >>
> >>Printing is working fine for our Windows NT, 2000 and XP clients.
> >>However, with windows 95 & 98, the print job gets put into the Samba
> >>spool directory (path = /var/spool/lp/tmp/samba) but doesn't make it to the
> printer.
> >>The print files stay there in the directory - don't get removed.
> >>
> >>Samba version is 2.2.7a, on Solaris 8
> >>Printers are HP printers - e.g. HP 8100dn
> >>
> >>All clients including 95/98 were happily printing on a very much older version
> of Samba (2.0.6)
> >>
> >>printing directly from Unix to the printer is working ok
> >>
> >>Has anyone experienced this problem or have any advice on how to
> >>get my older boxes printing with the latest Samba?
> >>
> >>any thoughts welcome - no really - anything - please....
> >>:-)
> >>
> >>-peter.
> >>
> >>
> >>(p.s. Just for a wild stab in the dark I tried setting the "disable spoolss =
> yes"
> >>but this stopped all printing from making it to the computer - even from the
> clients that
> >>were originally working.)
> >>
> >>
> >>relevant bits of conf. file included below...
> >>note that I don't have print command explicitly stated, but testparm
> >>indicates that it is configured properly...
> >>
> >>[global]
> >> printing = sysv
> >> lprm command = /usr/bin/cancel %p-%j
> >> lppause command = lp -i %p-%j -H hold
> >> lpresume command = lp -i %p-%j -H resume
> >> load printers = no
> >>
> >>[hp8100DN1]
> >> printer = hp8100dn_1
> >>comment = HP LaserJet hp8100 DN
> >>path = /var/spool/lp/tmp/samba
> >>guest account = nobody
> >>guest ok = yes
> >>browseable = yes
> >>printable = yes
> >>writable = yes
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John H Terpstra
Email: jht at samba.org
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