[Samba] Windows 2000 Pro can't join the Samba PDC

bkrusic at yahoo.com bkrusic at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 12 04:54:13 GMT 2003

>> 2. "on the fly" 


1) Make a back up of your smb.conf.
2) add the line somewhere up top after your domain

add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -n -d /dev/null -g
100 -c %m -p %m -s /bin/false -M %u

** The 100 is your GIU # and can be anything ypou
choose as long as you are consistant in /etc/passwd
and /etc/group.

This should solve your probs.

> why we must create the account machine with the "$"

The machine must establish a trust with a PDC so this
method allows you to do so.

In general, there is a certain degree of security
implied when you establish a trust within some
directory shceme relating to networked machines.  
As for XP clinets, you must modify the registry (do a
search for XP reg hacks in google).


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