[Samba] how to measure samba performance ?

ardi reddish41 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 10 06:34:17 GMT 2003

Hi all.. i'm new to this samba things

I was wondering, is there any tools that available, i
mean in open source term in purpose to measure the
samba performance.. 
What I mean in performance is a software that can
measure I/O operation, file throughput , network
traffic and etc..etc..

Actually I want to compare samba and SMB
implementation in windows. Is there anyone has done
this before individually ? (not for commercial
purpose). I know that mindcraft has already make this
kind of benchmark but I guess it's hard to know and
get what kind of method and software that they used.

Basically I want to make a benchmark for my own
research in my university, I would be greatfull if
there is someone here could help me point to the
software that i'm telling above..


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