[Samba] Samba 3.0alpha problems with w2k

Jens Nie Jens.Nie at uos.de
Sun Mar 9 12:33:24 GMT 2003

Hi everyone.

As noone has replied to my problem within the last 4 days i'll try again.

The problem was to integrate a linux-box for a guest at our company as perfect 
as possible into our pure windows based network using authentication  against 
a w2k-server, which was successfully solved using winbind from a precompiled 
Samba 3.0alpha21-package from SuSE for their Distribution version 8.1. Having 
modified the necessary pam-files to have this working, this works pretty 
well. However it seems to be impossible to use a share from this LinuX-Box 
(no matter if its the CD-Rom Drive or a users home-directory) in the windows 
network as long as winbind is running. Each attempt to connect to this box 
leads to an error. Windows-Boxes (all W2k) tell me that the linux-box is 
visible but not connectable, while the linux-box itself complains about zero 
returned byte at the connection request. This is all true for using an 
existing Domain-User for the authentication (smbclient -L //linbox -U<valid 
W2k-User>. Using anonymous login succesfully shows me all available shares 
(smbclient -L //linbox -U%). So there seems to be something wrong with the 
user authentication. If i stop the winbind daemon every user-share is visible 
and usable (including the necessary authentication at the connection-process, 
this must be somehow cached, as winbind is not running anymore, and 
pam_winbind is not listed in /etc/pam.d/samba. I have no idea how this works 
at the moment).

Any suggestions concerning this problem?


Jens Nie

				Dipl.-Phys. Jens Nie
	Research & Development/Physics, Rosen Inspection, Lingen
JNie at RosenInspection.net, http://godot.physik.uni-osnabrueck.de/~jnie

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