[Samba] problems setting password with net command and security=domain

Holger Brückner brueckner at net-labs.de
Wed Jun 4 20:30:30 GMT 2003


i've got the following setup

windows nt4 server sp6
samba 3.0 alpha 24 (debian) running with security=server

i'm trying the following thing:

srv01:/etc/ldap# smbclient //srv01/darks -U darks
OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba]
smb: \> quit
srv01:/etc/ldap# getent passwd jack
jack:x:501:500:Ulrich Eck:/home/jack:/bin/bash
srv01:/etc/ldap# net rap user ADD jack secret -U Administrator%secret -S
srv01:/etc/ldap# net rap user ADD jack secret -U Administrator%secret -S
srv01:/etc/ldap# smbclient //srv01/jack -U jack
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

user darks was added with nt user manager. what is the correct way to
add a user with an password using the net command ?
if i change the password using the nt user manager it works fine.
is there a document somewhere explaining the flags for -F option ?

is also tried running samba with security=domain with no success:

srv01:/etc/ldap# useradd -g 100 -d /dev/null -c "srv01" -s /bin/false
srv01:/etc/ldap# smbpasswd -a -m srv01
srv01:/etc/ldap# net join -U Administrator%3ware6hd
[2003/06/04 21:45:42, 1] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(176)
  ads_connect: Transport endpoint is not connected
Joined domain SCHDOM.
srv01:/etc/ldap# /etc/init.d/samba restart

srv01:/etc/ldap# smbclient //srv01/darks -U darks
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL

any tip for this problem ?!?


Holger Brueckner
net-labs Systemhaus GmbH

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