[Samba] emergency- machines kicked off network after PDC 2.2.8->3.0.0 upgrade

tvsjr at sprynet.com tvsjr at sprynet.com
Wed Dec 17 17:08:38 GMT 2003

>The "upgrading" doc mentions nothing that would help us in this 
>extremely straightforward(machine trust accounts) issue...I've found it 
>to be severely lacking.  This is extremely disappointing...

I'm not a Samba developer, but I do work on several other development projects. When people complain, I usually suggest that if they want it better, perhaps they should do it themselves. If you dont like the upgrading doc, once you get your problem solved, perhaps you should consider suggesting a plan to rewrite it? You can return a bit of the favor the Samba team has done for all of us by writing such a wonderful program, and perhaps help out the next person who wants to upgrade and ends up in your situation...

Just my $.02

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