[Samba] kerberos with W2K server

TETU Jean-Marc jm.tetu at enst-bretagne.fr
Thu Dec 11 14:58:03 GMT 2003


The problem: With the command:
net ads join my_linux_box
my samba 3.0.1rc1 works fine with a W2k kerberos server

But i prefer use the ktpass command on w2k server (and our m$ guru).
The problem seems to be that samba dont use /etc/krb5.keytab.
The quick read of source and some mail in the archives gives me the 
beleive that it use a memory keytab (and secrets.tdb ?).
I m not sure.

Could you confirm that?
does i have to do with an older version of samba?

If it is true, do you know an utility to import in the memory keytab the 
result of ktpass as the ktutil command?

Thanks for your help!
And i hope that my bad english is not a problem...

My config:
redhat 7.3 with the standard kerberos mit
w2k server sp1 in native mode (it is just for my tests).


Jean-Marc Têtu,  Logistique Informatique
Tel : 02 29 00 10 87,  Email: jm.tetu at enst-bretagne.fr
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