[Samba] smbpasswd via cgi

Chris McKeever cgmckeever at prupref.com
Sun Apr 27 20:49:00 GMT 2003

using samba and ldap - redhat 7.3

trying to work on a short cgi to update samba password (it is a url with
attributes username and password).  I am not very good at all with perl, so
if someone can take a quick ponder and help me out, that would be great.

I think that it fails in theory however, because to change other users
password, you need to be root ... So I was wondering if anyone knows what
the encryption the smbpasswd uses to write the 2 passwords to the LDAP
directory and then how to call them via a command line..then I can use the
ldapmodify to do the change .. however, that line fails as well in the code

If anyone has ideas or solutions, that would be absolutely brillant.


use CGI;
use strict;

my $app = new CGI;

my $username = $app->param('username');
my $password = $app->param('password');

use CGI;
use strict;

my $app = new CGI;

my $username = $app->param('username');
my $password = $app->param('password');

if ($username ne "" && $password ne "") {

        my $md5 = `/usr/sbin/slappasswd -s $password -h {MD5}`;

        my $temp_ldif = "dn: uid=USERNAME,ou=People,dc=prupref,dc=com
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: PASSWORD";

        $temp_ldif =~ s/USERNAME/$username/;
        $temp_ldif =~ s/PASSWORD/$md5/;

        my $ldap_update = `echo "$temp_ldif\n" | /usr/bin/ldapmodify -x -D
"cn=root,dc=prupref,dc=com" -w ROOTPASSWORD 2>&1`;

        my $samba_update = `echo "$password\n$password\n" |
/usr/bin/smbpasswd -s $username 2>&1`;

        print $app->header();
        print $app->start_html();
        print $app->h1({align=>'center'}, "Password Changed");
        print $app->h1("$md5");
        print $app->h1("LDAP RESPONSE: $ldap_update");
        print $app->h1("SAMBA RESPONSE: $samba_update");
        print $app->end_html();
else {
        print $app->header();
        print $app->start_html();
        print $app->h1({align=>'center'}, "Change Password Utility");
        print $app->end_html();

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