[Samba] Remembering Password in W2K

Benji Spencer ben.spencer at moody.edu
Thu Apr 24 14:30:55 GMT 2003

I've looked for the answer for this question and it appears that it should 
work as I want. I am just at a loss as to why and hoping someone can point 
to something useful..

Question: In W2K, I am mapping a drive of a Samba Resource. However, when I 
reboot the W2K box, I am prompted for a password for the resource. Can W2K 
remember the password for me?

encrypt passwords = Yes
password server =
workgroup = ThisWG
security = DOMAIN
update encrypted = No
allow trusted domains = Yes
protocol = NT1

path = /home/samba/share_home
valid users = spencer
force user = pcguest
force group = pcguest
read only = No

 From what I read, W2K should remember an encrypted password....



Ben Spencer
Web Support
bspencer at moody.edu
x 2288

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