[Samba] 2.2.5 and NIS question
Wieprecht, Karen M.
Karen.Wieprecht at jhuapl.edu
Mon Sep 30 17:24:01 GMT 2002
Two things seemed to affect this for us:
1. Set the winbind use default domain parameter to yes
winbind use default domain = yes
2. The winbind separator
The docs show / and + as sample separators,
but + is special in NIS, and / is special in
UNIX. I used _ (underscore) as my winbind separator.
Buchan Milne passed on the use default domain tip (thanks!).
I found a NIS Reference buried in the smb.conf man page.
It only refers to the NIS group definitions, but the light went
off that NIS was probably being adversely affected by the
"+" winbind separator we were using. Changing it
to underscore fixed us up. Let me know if this does the job
for you as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nir Soffer [mailto:nirs at exanet.com]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 11:58 AM
To: Wieprecht, Karen M.; ufo at reiff-gmbh.de; samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: [Samba] 2.2.5 and NIS question
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wieprecht, Karen M. [mailto:Karen.Wieprecht at jhuapl.edu]
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 2:59 PM
> To: 'ufo at reiff-gmbh.de'; 'samba at lists.samba.org'
> Subject: RE: [Samba] 2.2.5 and NIS question
> I'm not sure what happe4ned to the --with-nis option either,
> but it seems
> to work just fine. Perhaps they made it part of the default
> set? We use nis
> and winbind, and NT users with matching UN(IX accounts get
> assigned the UID
> and GID I have in NIS.
How exactly do you do that? I've only managed to get winbind users when
using winbind. smbd would refer to the users in winbind regardless of the
users existance in other NSS databases.
Nir Soffer -=- Software Engineer, Exanet Inc. -=-
"Father, why are all the children weeping? / They are merely crying son O,
are they merely crying, father? / Yes, true weeping is yet to come"
-- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Weeping Song
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