[Samba] Winbind
Noel Kelly
nkelly at citrusnetworks.net
Mon Sep 30 16:42:01 GMT 2002
Sorry I missed the original post I think. We have been using winbinnd
successfully for over a year now. Since 2.2.4 it has been trouble free,
interacting with both NT4 domains and Win2000 ADS domains.
If someone can repost the problem outline?
-----Original Message-----
From: jra at dp.samba.org [mailto:jra at dp.samba.org]
Sent: 30 September 2002 17:27
To: suzanne.davies at btinternet.com
Cc: samba at samba.org
Subject: Re: [Samba] Winbind
On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:19:05AM +0100, suzanne.davies at btinternet.com
> I've seen several posts now relating to winbind and NT domain
authentication. Has anyone managed to get this working or are there just a
group of us trying to do the impossible? I've seen the posts ignored or the
person advised to use security = anything other that domain and create the
user accounts. I have more than 2000 users here, I'm not about to create
another 2000 user accounts just to use a samba server. Could people please
let me know is anyone else sucessfully using winbind and if not, why not?
If there is anyone out there who has cracked this could you please pint the
rest of us in the right direction.
Yes, we (HP) are successgfully using winbindd in the print server appliance
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