[Samba] Winbind
dj at sin.khk.be
Mon Sep 30 10:56:01 GMT 2002
On Mon, 30 Sep 2002 suzanne.davies at btinternet.com wrote:
> I've seen several posts now relating to winbind and NT domain
> authentication. Has anyone managed to get this working or are there
> just a group of us trying to do the impossible? I've seen the posts
> ignored or the person advised to use security = anything other that
> domain and create the user accounts. I have more than 2000 users here,
> I'm not about to create another 2000 user accounts just to use a samba
> server. Could people please let me know is anyone else sucessfully using
> winbind and if not, why not? If there is anyone out there who has
> cracked this could you please pint the rest of us in the right
> direction.
I've created a howto that follows the steps I've taking to setup a working
winbind setup.
You can find this howto at : http://www.sin.khk.be/~dj/
I welcome any feedback you all have on this howto to improve it and make
it usefull for the complete samba community.
Kind regards,
Tim Verhoeven
Tim Verhoeven
Linux & Open Source Specialist
GSM : 0496 / 693 453 + e-business solutions
Email : dj at 4ict.com + consulting
URL : www.sin.khk.be/~dj/ + Server consolidation
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