[Samba] XP troubles
linux power
linuxpower2002 at yahoo.no
Sun Sep 29 14:15:01 GMT 2002
Go to the tcp/ip properties and select advanced. Uncheck load lmhosts.
Another thing to try is this. Go to start menu and run regedit32.
Change this
Gene Bomgardner <Gene at bomgardner.net> skrev: I've recently recompiled and reinstalled the latest Samba because
the version I was running wouldn't talk to Windows XP.
It still won't. Can anyone direct me to any docs, howtos, or other
docs concerning WinXP problems?
God's Blessings,
To everything there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under heaven. Ecl 3:1 -
and more recently, The Byrds
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