[Samba] SAMBA and SNAP Server
Andrew Bartlett
abartlet at samba.org
Sun Sep 29 11:04:01 GMT 2002
Irving Carrion wrote:
> We recently migrated our PDC away from Microsoft to SAMBA and have
> nearly completed the migration except for 1 little annoyance. Our SNAP
> server is unable to view the users on the SAMBA PDC. I have RTFM's,
> googled for awhile, and I've called quantum tech support with no luck.
> Is there some type of config I'm setting incorrectly or is Samba not
> compatible with SNAP servers?
> I'm willing to post any logs you may wish to get this problem resolved
> (If at all possible).
> Really appreciate any help!
> Thanks!
> Debian 3.0
> ii samba 2.2.3a-6
You need Samba 3.0 on the PDC - I think we now have the right stuff in
there now.
The SNAP servers do RAP calls to the server, which until very recently
we didn't support. You might have better luck with Quantum's newer OS
(not sure what the deal is on upgrades), but it still requires Samba 3.0
on the DC.
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett abartlet at pcug.org.au
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team abartlet at samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College abartlet at hawkerc.net
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