[Samba] ACT 2000 and Windows XP problem
Steve Thom
samba at steventhom.com
Sat Sep 28 16:46:00 GMT 2002
Someone far smarter than me might want to elaborate, but I believe the issue
is one of two things.
First, you need to force users in that share to create files with 0777 mask.
When a user opens a database like Act or Access, a lock file is created. If
it is 0755, the other users cannot write to the lock file. To confirm this,
try signing onto another machine with the same username/password as the
first. Can you get in from the second machine with the same
username/password? If so, then you are on the right track.
Study the man pages about "create mask".
Secondly, make certain you understand the opportunistic locking settings.
You should disable opportunistic locking or your Act database will almost
certainly be badly corrupted. Be sure you treat this implementation as beta
(backups, etc) until the kinks are ironed out. No sense cursing Samba over a
damaged database if the correct procedures aren't followed.
Study the man pages about "oplocks".
I guess I should add a third point, make sure the users all have rwx (0777)
permission on the actual unix data directory (as opposed to merely granting
Samba permissions).
Good luck,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cyril Y. Nickonorov" <cyril at imvs.ru>
To: <samba at lists.samba.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: [Samba] ACT 2000 and Windows XP problem
> Hello to All!
> I've got a problem moving my ACT 2000 database from WinXP to
> Samba server on Linux. All clients are WinXP systems, Samba 2.2.5
> runs on Debian Linux, 2.4.18 kernel. I have a share with ACT database
> which is connected to all WinXP systems as a mapped network drive.
> The first client starts ACT successfuly but when I try to launch ACT
> on the second client it says that ACT database is corrupted or locked
> by another user.
> Can I use ACT on Samba share with multiple WinXP/2000 clients?
> Is it a Samba or Windows error?
> Thanks in advance,
> Cyril.
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