[Samba] Problems with lower and uppercase filenames
Joel Hammer
Joel at HammersHome.com
Sat Sep 28 12:50:01 GMT 2002
Does this problem with java occur if you save the file to a local directory?
This sounds like samba is working fine. Your applications are changing the
On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 05:55:25AM -0300, Barzilai Spinak wrote:
> Hi, I just subscribed to this list to see if I can get a solution to the
> following problem.
> I've spent a couple of hours looking though the man pages, google, etc
> but haven't found a solution.
> Platform: RedHat 7.3 and Win98SE (in spanish)
> Samba Version 2.2.3a
> Ok, the problem is the following.
> case 1:
> Let's say I have a unix directory /temp shared through samba. I'm
> sitting at my windows machine and I can create filenames
> with upper/lowe/mixed cases and everything works fine
> case 2:
> There's a windows shared directory in my windows machine, let's call it
> "MyWinShare"
> I want to access it from unix so I do a mount -t smbfs -o username=joe
> //WINPUTER/MyWinShare /mnt/winputer/shareit
> now from the unix shell prompt I can create files in my windows machine
> with any kind of upper/lower case letters...
> so far so good...
> Now I create a samba share:
> [whatever]
> path=/mnt/winputer/shareit
> browseable = yes
> writable = yes
> create mask = 0666
> directory mask = 0777
> preserve case=yes ; added this one just in case....
> The problem starts now. When accessing this share from the Windows
> computer I can see the shared directory (although through
> an unnecesary "loopback" which is irrelevant to the problem because it
> still happens with a different setup "without loops").
> * If I drag and copy a file from the windows explorer, lets say
> "foo.txt", the new file becomes "COPY OF FOO.TXT"
> All the characters in uppercase.
> * If I move the file to another directory in the share, the case is kept.
> * If I rename a file to fOooOo.tXt, the case is kept.
> * If I use Notepad and save a new file in the share, it goes all to
> * If I use Wordpad, however, it respects the case...
> * Other programs behave in different ways...
> The main problem (and what started all this) is that my Java IDE has the
> "all to uppercase" problem and if I edit a file and then save it,
> the filename goes to UPPER which is very bad for a Java filename since
> it's case sensitive.
> So I read man smb.conf, man smbmount, etc... and saw parameters for
> codepages and character sets, and started trying combinations
> (my windows is in codepage 850 for DOS and codepage 1252 for windows, my
> /usr/share/samba/codepages has an entry for 1251 but
> not for 1252...)
> Nothing new happens with all the codepage changes, the problem persists.
> Notice that is not a problem of smb itself because other shares work
> fine, nor of smbmount itself because from the unix prompt I can create
> files in the windows machine with any case of letter. But smb+smbmount,
> both together, give this phenomenon!!!
> any ideas?? I hope this is not too confusing... it's 6:30am already
> and I can't even type!
> thanks
> BarZ
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