[Samba] Roaming profiles problem
Vladimir I. Umnov
samba at ezmail.ru
Thu Sep 26 16:34:00 GMT 2002
Hello, Jay.
JT> Ryszard Hodiak wrote:
>> I can login onto a Worksations (Win2k) and profiles are updated but
>> when I log-off from Workstation still have
>> a copy of the profile on Workstation and furthermore even being local
>> Administrator on W2k box I can't delete taht local profile copy- it says sth
>> like that: "Can not delete files. Files mayby in use"
>> I'm just wonder wheather it is Windows problem or Samba configure problem?
JT> That seems like normal behavior. Windows always keeps a local
JT> copy of the roaming profiles - that's just how they work. It
JT> copies the profile from the server during logon, then uses the
JT> local copy. Any updates to the profile are copied back to the
JT> server during logoff.
JT> And yes, the profiles are difficult to delete from the local
JT> system! There are different ACLs in use, and some of them
JT> have a really tight hold on the files they protect. But, if
JT> you really want to delete a local profile, it can be done.
To delete this profiles I use following things:
1) Local administrator can own profile
2) After that, local administrator can drop permisions on profile
3) If local administrator can not delete profile now, you can press
win+break, go to user profiles tab and delete profile.
Vladimir I. Umnov mailto:samba at ezmail.ru
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