[Samba] username.map causes delays?
Alexander Karnovsky, D.Sc.
karnov at is.elta.co.il
Thu Sep 26 10:37:01 GMT 2002
A user works on a Windows 2000 workstation with MS Visual C++. When he
tries to open a file on a Samba share (Samba 2.2.2 on Sun/Solaris), Visual
C++ hangs for about 10 seconds, then displays the file.
At the same time, the following messages appear in log.smbd:
[2002/09/26 12:21:27, 0] lib/debug.c:reopen_logs(337)
Unable to open new log file /usr/local/samba/var/log.smbd: No such file
or directory
[2002/09/26 12:21:27, 0] lib/username.c:map_username(87)
can't open username map /usr/local/samba/lib/username.map. Error No such
file or directory
[2002/09/26 12:21:27, 0] lib/username.c:map_username(87)
can't open username map /usr/local/samba/lib/username.map. Error Error 0
Note that both above files perfectly exist:
%ls -l /usr/local/samba/lib/username.map
-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 22 Sep 3 10:25
%ls -l /usr/local/samba/var/log.smbd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13635 Sep 26 13:07
Note also that at the end the user suceeds opening the file.
Any ideas what causes the above messages and how can this be related to the
Alexander Karnovsky, D.Sc.
Application and System Manager
CASE Department
ELTA Electronics Industries Ltd.
P.O.Box 330, Ashdod 77102, Israel
Voice: +972-8-857-7135, Fax: +972-8-857-2746
E-mail: karnov at is.elta.co.il
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