[Samba] Win2K Server and Samba Server
Harry Rüter
harry_rueter at gmx.de
Thu Sep 26 09:06:01 GMT 2002
i had a similar problem month a ago.
The reason was an uppercase/downcase-problem.
WinNT & W2K & XP don't have any problems with it,
but Win9x/Me do ...
Look if you have an "preserve case = yes " entry
and change it to "no" ..
If it doesn't help (i don't have access to my private samba-server ,
maybe i don't remember everything )play with those
uppercase/downcase entries ...
hth Harry
> I have a Win2K server with ADS. I am in the process of setting up a
> Firewall
> on RH7.3. We need to be able to connect to the win2k network from remote
> sites, some are home users and some are computers we have located in other
> companies. I'm able to get a VPN connection between Redhat and a windows
> PC
> using poptop pptp software.
> What I was wondering iswould i be able to install samba on the firewall
> and
> make it part of the win2k network. So that when our users VPN into the
> firewall box they will have access to the win2k shares etc.. And all i
> have
> to worry about it entering the users/passwords on the win2k server. The
> vpn
> users would have to be able to browse win2k network, connect to shares on
> the win2k server and print to both remote and local printers..
> Is this something that Samba can help me accomplish? Is so, are there any
> books or websites that can help walk me thru the setup? Or provide
> detailed
> information??
> Jayson
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