[Samba] Win95 .bat Issue
h.rueter at gmx.de
h.rueter at gmx.de
Thu Sep 26 08:12:01 GMT 2002
i had a similar problem month a ago.
The reason was an uppercase/downcase-problem.
WinNT & W2K & XP don't have any problems with it,
but Win9x/Me do ...
Look if you have an "preserve case = yes " entry
and change it to no ..
hth Harry
> For some reason I'm getting Access denied errors when I try to execute a
> .bat file that resides on a TRU64 samba share, from a Win95 command
> prompt.
> The drive is mapped as x:\ & for the sake of testing, the directory has
> been
> recursively set to 777 (chmod).
> Command prompt output:
> x:\> x:\r235\src\ntprpst\sharc\mta\src\build_sharc_fta.bat
> Access denied - x:\r235\src\ntprpst\sharc\mta\src\build~XM.bat
> X:\>
> X:\> x:\r235\src\ntprpst\sharc\mta\src\no_such_file.bat
> No file of directory - x:\r235\src\ntprpst\sharc\mta\src\no_such_file.bat
> X:\>
> Normally, I would assume this is some 8.3 filename quirk, but what's odd
> is
> where that ~xm.bat comes from. Why no ~1.bat, like standard Win9x format?
> Here are some Samba debugging info (log level 3):
> [2002/09/25 18:03:37, 3] smbd/dir.c:dptr_create(487)
> creating new dirptr 195 for path r235/src/ntprpst/sharc/mta/src,
> expect_close = 0
> [2002/09/25 18:03:37, 3] smbd/dir.c:get_dir_entry(647)
> get_dir_entry mask=[BUILD~XM"BAT] found
> r235/src/ntprpst/sharc/mta/src/build_sharc_fta.bat fname=BUILD~XM.BAT
> [2002/09/25 18:03:37, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(877)
> Transaction 437201 of length 114
> [2002/09/25 18:03:37, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(684)
> switch message SMBopenX (pid 16345)
> [2002/09/25 18:03:37, 3] lib/util.c:unix_clean_name(387)
> unix_clean_name [/R235/SRC/NTPRPST/SHARC/MTA/SRC/BUILD~XM.BAT]
> I'll also state that I was able to move r235 (top directory) over to the
> localhard drive with no problem. And the Access denied went away as well.
> Any suggestions?
> -Rob
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