[Samba] SOLVED: (maybe) Re:Windows 95/98 will not connect to Samba 2.2.5
peter.a.bryant at mainroads.qld.gov.au
peter.a.bryant at mainroads.qld.gov.au
Thu Sep 26 03:22:59 GMT 2002
Ok, I think I fixed the problem, but I'm still a bit puzzled.
You see, a lot of our users are mapped to the user 'nobody'
When I checked the log file, I noticed that it was having a problem
because 'nobody' has a null password.
So, putting the parameter 'null passwords = yes'
into the conf file fixed the problem.
What I don't understand is that it connected fine with Samba 2.0.6 servers
and the parameter was not set in their conf files either.
Can anyone explain this? Did this parameter not work at one time?
As far as I know, the default has always been 'null passwords = no'.
It's not that important to know, I'm just curious.
Also just if anyone would like to comment, is it a problem to be mapping people
to a No Password account?
thanks everyone for your help.
Yes, unless someone has changed the registry to use unencrypted passwords, I
You can check this out. run tcpcump and watch the interaction during the
login phase. Maybe the samba logs will show it too, but I would hope the log
wouldn't show a password.
On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 08:04:51AM +1000, peter.a.bryant at mainroads.qld.gov.au
> Joel, from what I read, the encrypt problem does not affect
> Windows 98.
> Is that your understanding also?
> thanks
> -peter.
> Is the an encrypt password problem?
> Joel
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 05:02:36PM +1000, peter.a.bryant at mainroads.qld.gov.au
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi, we have several Solaris 8 file & print servers running
> > Samba 2.0.6
> > I know this is quite an old version, so we upgraded one of them
> > to 2.2.5 recently.
> > Now, all the Win 98 & 95 clients cannot connect to the upgraded server
> > (incorrect password for Server/IPC$)
> > However Win NT, 2000 seem to connect to the new server just fine.
> >
> > The 95/98 clients can still connect ok to the other samba servers that
> > we have not upgraded.
> > The conf file on the new Samba is basically identical to the old conf file.
> >
> > Has anyone got a solution to this problem?
> > Any advice welcome.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > -peter.
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