[Samba] Is nmbd running?
Andrew McCall
it.andrew.mccall at oldham.gov.uk
Wed Sep 25 10:54:00 GMT 2002
On Wednesday 25 September 2002 10:48 am, Axel Heinrici wrote:
> Hi
> On Wednesday 25 September 2002 08:00, John Blue wrote:
> > I am using Suse V8 with KDE3 and running Samba 2.2.3a, and very
> > much feeling my way as I get into Linux.
> >
> > Using Swat I checked Status and it said smbd running, nmbd not
> > running.
> >
> > If I use KDE process table I can see nmbd as PID 714 and smbd as
> > PID 719.
> >
> > I cannot start or restart nmbd from Swat ?
> What do you mean exactly? What does the status-folder of swat look
> like? How did you start smbd and nmbd?
If it started from init.d try this :
/etc/init.d/smb status
I don't have samba running for instance and I get this :
jupiter:~ # /etc/init.d/smb status
Checking for SAMBA nmbd unused
Checking for SAMBA smbd unused
jupiter:~ #
Hope that helps.
Andrew McCall
Internet/Linux System Administrator
I.C.T. Division
Oldham MBC
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West Street
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