[Samba] hi
Andrew McCall
it.andrew.mccall at oldham.gov.uk
Wed Sep 25 10:34:01 GMT 2002
On Monday 23 September 2002 9:52 pm, Jovert Sumagang wrote:
> My name is jovert and i really want to know about samba. I have SuSe
> operating System on my computer and i want to set up a peer to peer network
> using Suse and Microsoft. I have been asking people around and they told me
> that i need to install samba. But, i dont know what samba is? Or im just
> wondering if it is already in Suse operating system one of those CD. Please
> email me right away .........if you can.
> @ j_sumagang at hotmail.com
> jovert s
If you want to check what packages you ahve installed, you can use rpm :
rpm -qa
This will query the RPM database and show you everything....
obviously your not that interested in everything, so you want to filter out some sort of search pattern, in this case "samba". grep is a pattern matching
program, so in the UNIX tradition, you can piece different programs together
to get the result you want :
rpm -qa | grep samba
If this returns something like "samba-2.2.0a-0" then you have samba installed!
If not, use YaST2 to install the samba packages.
Check out the man pages used here, with "man rpm" "man grep" and "man samba".
As regards to setting up your network read :
Make backups of the original files before you alter them incase you mess-up totally, have a go at configuring yourself, and if you can't ask again here.
Hope thats enough information for you to be getting on with.
Andrew McCall
Internet/Linux System Administrator
I.C.T. Division
Oldham MBC
Civic Centre
West Street
Tel : 0161 911 3990
Fax : 0161 911 3998
Email : it.andrew.mccall at oldham.gov.uk
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