[Samba] Problem with cups and samba
linux power
linuxpower2002 at yahoo.no
Tue Sep 24 22:23:01 GMT 2002
Maybe this is a shot in the night, but I have problems
samba and cups where the printer where connected to a
windows client. I found out that cups or samba or the
interaction between them couldent resolve the chars -P
%p in the printer section. Replace thes letters with
the absolute path to the printer. At least give it a
Let me hear how it goes.
--- Don Hammer <hammerd at evanite.com> skrev: > I am
using RedHat 7.3, Samba 2.2.5 and Cups 1.1.14
> I have the printers setup and browseable from a
> windows client. I can print
> to them, and the jobs spool to the directory defined
> in the smb.conf file,
> but they never leave the spool directory.
> Any ideas where to start looking for this?
> Don Hammer
> Network Administrator
> Evanite Fiber Corporation
> 1115 SE Crystal Lake Dr
> Corvallis, OR 97333
> (541) 753-0391 voice
> (541) 753-0388 fax
> hammerd at evanite.com
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