[Samba] Profiles and local profile copy
Kristyan Osborne
kris at longhill.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Tue Sep 24 06:55:02 GMT 2002
Use poledit and set a profile limit of say 10MB. It comes in the resource kit i think.
Kristyan Osborne IT Technician
Longhill High School
01273 391672
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-----Original Message-----
From: Aton [mailto:aton at skyenet.net]
Sent: 23 September 2002 23:03
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Profiles and local profile copy
Whenever I attach a 2000 Pro workstation to a Samba server, a directory is created under the user's home directory called "profile", and the local profile syncs with this directory. Its not usually bothersome until someone leaves 2 GIG of data on their desktop and when they logoff, Windows syncs the entire 2 GIG of data to the server. How do I disable this? Attaching a 2000 Pro machine to a 2000 server doesn't yeild the same results, you have to explicitly turn on remote profiles.
Thanks alot!
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