[Samba] DNS server and printing.
Bradley W. Langhorst
brad at langhorst.com
Mon Sep 23 20:38:00 GMT 2002
On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 16:30, Darin Bawden wrote:
> that's the weird thing. Our Windows printers print fine, it's only DOS
> that has a problem. In the Global and printers section I don't have
> anything listed for the print command (As I said, I'm sorta new at all
> this). It lists the line in SWAT, though. According to SWAT, we're using
> BSD-style printing with a print command line of "lpr -r -P%p %s" Before I
> just looked at SWAT, I never saw the print command before. I love Linux,
> but it's stuff like this that drive me nuts! LOL
you're confused because swat shows you all the settings while
the text file only contains those parameters that have changed from
their default.
try adding a -o raw to the print command line...
that should tell lprng that this data is already formatted for the
printer and doesn't need to be ripped.
> Darin
> At 03:20 PM 9/23/2002, you wrote:
> >On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 15:42, Darin Bawden wrote:
> > > Greetings Brad,
> > > I have 2 pritners set up on a jet direct port/server/whatever. They are
> > > setup as Paper1 and Color1. When we had our Novell server they program
> > > pritned correctly. Since setting up the new server, it's printing out
> > this
> > > printer setup info at the top of the first page. Also, the print out is
> > > not compressed. I'm using LPRNG as the print. I'm just not sure if this
> > > would be a Samba thing or an LPRNG thing. I just don't know enough to
> > know
> > > where to start.
> >I'm keeping the list included here since somebody else may have a better
> >idea of what's up.
> >
> >
> >what is "printer setup info"?
> >
> >show us your print command line from smb.conf
> >it should be something like
> >print command = lpr -P %p -J'%J' -o raw %s -r
> >
> >Do your windows printer print okay?
> >if so then I don't know what's up here...
> >
> >brad
> Darin Bawden
> TeamDME! Technical Support
> (615) 333-1900 ext. 19
> dbawden at teamdme.com
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