[Samba] MSDOS on my network
Frank Matthieß
fm+samba at Microdata-POS.de
Mon Sep 23 06:57:01 GMT 2002
Montag den 23.09.2002 um 8:09 CEST +0200, schrieb Kurt Weiss:
> Hello!
> That's this i looked for a year...
> sorry, but i don't use winimage or dd.
> so please can you give me links to winimage, or better
> can you give me a commandline for dd???
;-) at unix prompt:
"dd if=floppyimagefile of=/dev/fd0 "
will copy the imagefile to the floppy.
/dev/fd0 -> A:
/dev/fd1 -> B:
Win32 Tool: Read/Write Floppy
DOS Tool: Write Floppy
Frank Matthieß fm+samba at Microdata-pos.de
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