[Samba] Samba Debug
Eric Canuteson (PMI)
elc at PacificMicroinstruments.com
Fri Sep 20 19:02:00 GMT 2002
We have just set up our first small network of Linux machines. We are
now trying to integrate them into our PC network. Actually, to be more
accurate, we are trying to integrate a few legacy PCs that we can't get
rid of yet into our Linux network.
Our legacy PC network is working fine, our Linux network is working
great, but we have run into some basic Samba problem that is stalling us
out. The PC network can see the samba server, but when double-clicking
on those, it says it can't fine the machine. I've tried everything I can
think of on both ends and reviewed several references without success.
What is the basic debugging procedure from here? None of my references
covers the debug sequence in any detail.
Thanks in advance,
Eric Canuteson
Pacific Microinstruments, Inc.
elc at PacificMicroinstruments.com
2424 East Walnut
Pasadena, CA 91107
626.683.3980 phone
"Software Solutions for Distributed Systems"
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