[Samba] users/passwds
Frank Matthieß
fm+samba at Microdata-POS.de
Fri Sep 20 13:36:00 GMT 2002
Freitag den 20.09.2002 um 13:54 CEST +0200, schrieb P. Jourdan:
> At 09:33 AM 9/20/2002 +0200, you wrote:
> >This should generate all users from passwd with the password=username.
> >This is not testet yet.
> >
> >But - wait. mksmbpasswd should also be a shellscript. Found and attached.
> >mksmbpasswd set _no_ password.
> As I understand it, I should delete the existing smbpasswd file and then
> run mksmbpasswd to create a new smbpasswd.
> kWhat then, do I need to give passwords to the users in the created
> smbpasswd file - that is, for the users, not the system or builtin users.
> I did read man smb.conf and did understand. Still, nothing seems to work. I
> am attaching all files that might be relevant.
> I cleaned out cups & samba files, reinstalled all.
> Installation is FreeBSD 4.6.2, cups-,
> cups-base-;cups-lpr-; cups-pstoraster-7.05.5,
> ghostscript-gnu-7.05_3 (installed by cups-lpr); gimp-print-4.2.1;
> samba-2.2.6.p2 (installled after cups)
> Before installing samba, I could print from commandline.
Two problems in parallel.
Solve one, and than the next.
I prefer first samba as fileserver, and then cups.
At this point the smb.conf is correct for cups.
But set at [printers] " browseable = yes".
> After installation, I did configuration and rebooted.
> I cannot print.
This isn't a samba problem. With the lpr from cups, you must be able to
print via command line. If not, samba can't print too, because samba
sit on top of unix.
If the cups server runs on "biggie2", phil_cups.conf should be ok.
With <TextWebbrowserOfYouChoice> http://localhost:631, you can check
the permissons of the cups server.
> I cannot access Unix from Win2k.
Try to login as pippo from your commandline:
smbclient //<samba-maschine>/www -U pippo -W KITCHEN
If this failed, your samba conf isn't suitable.
Take a look in the logfile /var/log/log.<YourMaschineName>
If there are not enough information, increase the debug level of smbd.
Try it after this setup with yout w2k system.
guest account:
Nor in passwd, wether in smbpasswd i can see a "pcguest" useraccount.
But you told samba to use this account for guest access.
The same for the user administrator. This can't be coorect.
unix user = samba user
passwd -> smbpasswd: Problem: password!
The password "crypt" of windows systems can't handled by unix, so this
is the resaon for smbpasswd.
One user, two password's: unix password, samba/windows password.
There are a chance to map samba usernames to unix usernames, but first
this must be run with native accounts.
> I have been re-reading the manuals etc and seeking explanations.
> But it looks like I just don't understand something.
> Attached are all the files that might be relevant.
> There is a user (pippo) on Unix with same password as on Win2k; the guest
> account is "pcguest" with no password. Does there need to be a "pcguest"
> entry in smbpasswd?
This must be a valid unix user account (ftp, nobody...).
> I really would appreciate learning what it is that I am doing wrong.
> Let me know if there is anything else I should look for or what files or
> info I can send to debug this.
> Thanks in advance,
> Phil
Think about character sets:
character set = ISO8859-1
client code page = 437
Frank Matthieß fm at Microdata-pos.de
Am Wellbach 4 Tel +49 521 97 22 6 0
D 33609 Bielefeld Fax +49 521 97 22 6 30
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