[Samba] Samba Log file format
Gerald (Jerry) Carter
jerry at samba.org
Thu Sep 19 16:30:01 GMT 2002
On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> The logs in 2.2.* are not very UNIX like at all. They seem more geared
> to the programmer, and not the admin. A Programmer version of a log is
> fine to send back to the samba team for debugging, but the admin should
> be kept in mind when writting log output.
True. They are more like glorified (and very helpful) printf statements.
> It would be nice if samba gave up management of the logs to syslog and
> the like. syslog could then control WHEN logs should roll over, where
> they are stored, and so forth. Samaba should not be controlling this at
> all.
ummm... have you looked at --with-syslog when compiling?
> It would also be nice to have the flexability to have samba produce a
> single log for all machines connecting to the samba server instead of or
> as well as separate log.netbiosname files.
It will do this by default. You have overridden the "log file"
parameter in smb.conf to get this behavior.
cheers, jerry
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