[Samba] users/passwds
Rodger Haynes
rodger at thompsonprint.com
Thu Sep 19 14:54:00 GMT 2002
Note: the mksmbpasswd creates the users in the smbpasswd file that match
your system users, but it doesn't convert the passwords (at least when I
did it) - you then have to go in and enter the passwords using the
smbpasswd command.
Frank Matthieß wrote:
>Donnerstag den 19.09.2002 um 16:19 CEST +0200, schrieb P. Jourdan:
>>Could somebody please explain just how one is supposed to set up samba
>>users, groups and passwords so connections can be established to Win2k
>>clients to connect to FBSD samba server for file sharing and to use cups
>>for printing.
>>I am afraid that the manuals and config files and various examples I have
>>found on the Internet are quite confusing.
>>How is the Windows username/passord related to samba access? Must the same
>>username/password be created with smbpasswd?
>You have to make sure that you create unix user and groups, that should
>be used by samba/windows client.
>For the first time it's easier to generate from your actual passwd the
>corresponding smbpasswd:
>cat /etc/passwd | /usr/sbin/mksmbpasswd > /etc/samba/smbpasswd
>>What users/groups need to exist or be created on the Unix machine? Are any
>>created automatically by samba installation?
>samba itself runs as root, but switch to the assigned windows/unix user,
>to make sure to access with the correct rights.
>>What users/groups need to be set up for "guest" access?
>It's up to you, which unix user would be the "guest". But hopefully not
>>What is the difference between smb.conf entries "public = yes (or no)" and
>>"guest ok = yes (or no)"?
>man smb.conf
>and last but not least:
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