[Samba] Samba 2.2.6pre2 doesn't try to lookup for user user name by SID +
dan at ohnesorg.cz
dan at ohnesorg.cz
Thu Sep 19 10:06:01 GMT 2002
I have instaled samba 2.2.6pre2 (due problems with printr drivers download
in 2.2.5) and I have also tried to install it using ldapsam backend.
It seems be working, but there are two problems:
- if I try to display directory ACL (file - properties - security) I show
only the user name, group name and others field are shown only as SIDs.
There is no hit to LDAP (OK, groups seems be supported only in samba TNG)
and I am not seeing any relevant error message in logs
- if I try to open a user in user manager for domains, the samba hit into
LDAP by RID and gets relevant info. I see in log, that the parameters are
filled from LDAP in init_ldap_from_sam to right places, but the client
says, that is was not able to find user in domain.
- the pdbedit tool is very useful, but it should also fill in the
displayName field, while importing smbpasswd. With smbpasswd backend is
displayed Full name from /etc/passwd, with LDAP is the field after import
empty and the names aren't shown.
I think, that at least the first one has been working in previos versions.
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