[Samba] samba problems with FreeBSD
Jonathan Dean
jon.dean at deanuk.net
Wed Sep 18 09:16:00 GMT 2002
Add the user without the '$' at the end then after it has been added
correctly use 'vipw' to edit the passwd file by hand and add the '$' to the
end of that users entry.
At 17:05 17/09/2002 -0700, Unix Rookie wrote:
>i'm trying to setup a PDC with my FreeBSD box.
>i'm following the directions in "Samba Unleashed" by SAMS.
>in it they mention the creation of a server user account.
>this is the example they give:
>useradd -c "Samba PDC fir MYDOMAIN" -M -s /bin/false -n PERSEUS$
>other than the fact FreeBSD doesn't use useradd and that pw useradd doesn't
>have a "-M" option, i'm having a problem with the $ at the end of the
>i get the following error:
>pw: invalid character `$' in field
>is there a work around?
>any any all help will be greatly appreciated.
>oh yeah... and one more thing... is the client-side setup in Samba the same
>with W2k as it is for WinXP? if it isn't i might as well take this book
>back. :/
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Jonathan Dean
jon.dean at deanuk.net www.jondean.com
Dept. Computer Science, University of Exeter, UK.
j.s.dean at ex.ac.uk www.dcs.ex.ac.uk
Network Manager, Dean UK Networks.
root at deanuk.net www.deanuk.net
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