[Samba] Solve of problem "network disks - lost connection under w2k and wxp"
jra at dp.samba.org
jra at dp.samba.org
Tue Sep 17 21:16:27 GMT 2002
On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 09:50:28PM +0400, Vladimir I. Umnov wrote:
> Hello, Fredrik.
> FA> Ah.. So that's the reason for some of the problems.. Why can't samba
> FA> "correctly process nt status code"? Do you know?
> Samba process nt status code, but besides nt status code must die send
> many other commands, and there is no documention about this commands.
> But Microsoft KB article says, that only nt status code processed
> incorrectly. I think, this is a politics of Microsoft. They want kill
> free software!!!
> FA> Should it be a dword och a regular string in the registry?
> >From KB article:
> Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
> Locate and then click the following key in the registry:
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanworkstation\parameters
> On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
> Value name: EnableDownLevelLogOff
> Data type: REG_DWORD
> Radix: Hexadecimal
> Value data: 1
> Quit Registry Editor.
Ah. Now I think I get it ......
The new Microsoft redirectors use the "feature" of Microsoft SMB
implementations that SessionSetup SMB with the VC number set to 0
should terminate all previous sessions from the same client,
they don't bother to send a Logoff command any more.
We can change Samba to send all connected SMB's a "disconnect"
message when we get a new VC=0 SessionSetup to fix this I think.
I will investigate further.
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