[Samba] Samba Tunning
Slawek W
to-slawek at wp.pl
Mon Sep 16 09:59:01 GMT 2002
hi friends!
I am testing Samba 2.2.5 on RH 7.2 with one Win98 client.
When I work from the client with small databases on the server
Samba goes pretty fast. But when I try to copy a big file (e.x.
2MB) from client to shares on the server it goes very, very slow.
Does anybody knows what happens?
I am still a newbie so any advice is welcome.
I think my server machine / hardware is not the reason. It
worked with other OS'es and it was ok.
Here are some lines from my smb.conf:
; ---------------------------------------------------------
; [globals] Performance Tuning
; ---------------------------------------------------------
getwd cache = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
read raw = yes
write raw =yes
keep alive = 300
dead time = 10
share modes = yes
max xmit = 65535
read size = 65536
oplocks = yes
locking = yes
map hidden = yes
map archive = yes
map system = yes
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