[Samba] win2ksp2 "cannot load profile" from a --with-ldapsam domain controller
Jim Hebert
samba at jhebert.cx
Sat Sep 14 05:28:01 GMT 2002
Apologies if this is well hashed-over, but I searched pretty dilligently
on the web and mailing list archive and couldn't find the answer. I even
stumped my resident samba guru (hi Sean).
Server is Red Hat 7.3. Tried with both the Red Hat 7.3 rpm just recompiled
--with-ldapsam as well as the samba.org src.rpm also recompiled with
--with-ldapsam. Things work for the most part, people are able to log in
from Win2kSP2, filesharing works, etc. However, at login time they get an
alert to the effect that they cannot load their profile, and will instead
be using a cached copy. If I create a brand new user, clearly permissions
for the profiles share work right because the thing gets populated with
all the usual profile junk, and the permissions are corect.
I've tried this both with and without disabling nt acl support for the
profiles share, makes no difference.
What's more, this entire set up used to work before I recompiled for
ldapsam and moved the accounts into ldap. And the Win98 clients still
I can provide smb.conf, ldif showing the user record in ldap for a test
user, etc if that helps diagnose the problem, but first I thought save
some bandwidth and see if I can't just get a "oh, yeah, everyone has that
problem, here's how to fix it" sort of a response. ;-)
Barring anything else, snippets of a known good user in ldif form and/or a
known good [profiles] share config snippet would at least let me start
comparing and try to see where I've deviated.
Thanks very much. This is my first time messing with samba since back in
the 1.x days with Win95 clients, so I remember the basics but all this
state of the art domain control and ldap stuff is not my strong point.
Jim Hebert
echo ${LIST:-jhebert}\
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