[Samba] MySQL access
Justin Hannus
jhannus at visualconceptsinc.com
Fri Sep 13 17:34:01 GMT 2002
You can install the mysqlclient for Windows on your windows box and you shouldn't even need samba to access it from the windows prompt just like you do on linux.
To connect to another mysql host (default port:3306) on any network with mysqlclient:
mysql -u <username> -h <hostname> -p
then enter your password (provided you have the mysql users name and password, privileges set up correctly) and you'll get the same mysql prompt that you get on your local machine. Hope this helps.
So, I've been trying to configure my samba on SuSE/8.0 also with no luck what-so-ever. I can see my linux box in "My Network Places" from my Win2K box but can't access anything. I get the error message:
\\Linux is not accessable. Network path not found
Can you share some insight as to how you got your suse 8.0 box up with samba????
----- Original Message -----
From: Gilberto (Thomas Técnica)
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2002 1:22 PM
Subject: [Samba] MySQL access
I've installed by Webmin a MySQL database in my Suse Linux 8.0. I've already created tables, inserted new data, exclude or edited any record on it but in Webmin admin module. How can I access this database from a windows workstation? I've tried to establish ODBC connection supplied by MySQL but it seems don't find any connection.
Gilberto Antonangeli
Gerente de Informática / IT Manager
Thomas Técnica Coml. El. Transm.
( 55 11 5031-1144
fax 55 11 5031-0677
gilberto at thomastecnica.com.br
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