[Samba] Swat and Slackware 8.1
Michał Nazarewicz (dk Group)
m.nazarewicz at dkgroup.com.pl
Fri Sep 13 12:03:00 GMT 2002
Hi list,
After searching for a clue in google and list archives, I've found no
solution to my problem. The question is: how to force SWAT from Samba
2.2.5 to authorize users.
I can't use PAM, because I don't know it, I don't trust it and I don't
have it in my Slackware 8.1 distro.
Any time I try to log-in to SWAT via http://ip.address:901/, I enter
correct root password (as in system /etc/shadow file), but all it says
is an "user or password incorrect".
Should I stop fighting with SWAT and install PAM? I am sure there's
other way...
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