[Samba] libsmbclient
Buchan Milne
bgmilne at cae.co.za
Tue Sep 10 17:47:01 GMT 2002
Hash: SHA1
| Message: 13
| From: Diego Rivera <lrivera at racsa.co.cr>
| To: samba at lists.samba.org
| Date: 10 Sep 2002 10:52:52 -0600
| Subject: [Samba] libsmbclient
| Hello all
| I recently recompiled samba 2.2.5 with LDAP, SSL and libsmbclient as
| additional configure options. I used the base 2.2.5-2mdk source package
| (to the uninitiated, it's a Mandrake package).
If you're rebuilding anyway, you might as well see if you can get a
later SRPM. Or you can get the most recent 2.2.5 SPEC file from Mandrake
CVS. Or you can just build an RPM from samba CVS if you want to be
adventurous and try 2.2.6pre (cd packaging/Mandrake; sh makerpms-cvs.sh
2.2.6). Btw, the samba2.spec.tmpl will build you a 2.2.5 RPM if you use
it as your spec file, you might need to get the additional patched from
Mandrake CVS. Also, I probably have an SRPM lying around somewhere.
| LDAP works fine (as it had before), haven't really tested SSL, but
| here's the kicker: I can't find libsmbclient anywhere - although I'm not
| really sure what I'm looking for there - what's the file called? Where
| are the headers stored?
libsmbclient was added in 2.2.5-6mdk (according to the changelog). It
doesn't look like we're shipping headers at the moment. It's probably
time to make seperate libsmb0 and libsmb0-devel packages, but some
things (soft link is the wrong way around) would have to be fixed for
that also, and I don't know of any apps that use it at present.
[bgmilne at bgmilne mandrake-devel]$ rpm -ql samba-common|grep libsmb
But I am running cooker:
[bgmilne at bgmilne mandrake-devel]$ rpm -q samba-common
- --
|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
Buchan Milne Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
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