[Samba] Can't access samba server from windows
Didier Hung Wan Luk
DidierH at frci.net
Tue Sep 10 16:49:01 GMT 2002
Check your host allow
allow hosts = 192.168.10.
did you miss the dot after the 10?
Didier Hung Wan Luk
FRCI, Sibotie House
L'Anse Courtois
Tel: 230-2869636
Fax: 230-2869629
-----Original Message-----
From: muhindra at yahoo.com [mailto:muhindra at yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 4:51 PM
To: Didier Hung Wan Luk; samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: RE: [Samba] Can't access samba server from windows
huh there's a mistype,
netbios name = excalibur-lx
yeah, from network neighborhood I can see Samba
mechine, but can' browse or access it.
I have joined samba to NT domain, result no error.
any other sugggestions?
--- Didier Hung Wan Luk <DidierH at frci.net> wrote:
> First you need to correct this
> netbios name = excalibur-lx
> do you at least see the samba machine in network
> neighborhood ??
> Didier Hung Wan Luk
> FRCI, Sibotie House
> L'Anse Courtois
> Pailles
> Tel: 230-2869636
> Fax: 230-2869629
> -----Original Message-----
> From: muhindra at yahoo.com [mailto:muhindra at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 3:13 PM
> To: samba at lists.samba.org
> Subject: [Samba] Can't access samba server from
> windows
> Dear all,
> I've already install new samba 2.2.5 at Redhat 7.3.
> Some configuration of smb.conf has been tested using
> testparm and no error return. Using LinNeigborhood I
> can access some files and folders of windows PC. But
> from windows I can't access samba directories and
> files. Error report from windows is Network path was
> not found. Lan connection is ok if test ping.
> Can you suggest me what I should do more?
> Here is my smb.conf:
> ------------------
> [global]
> workgroup = sirius
> netbios name excalibur-lx
> allow hosts = 192.168.10
> security = domain
> password server = patio
> encrypt passwords = yes
> smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
> wins server =
> ;---share definitions
> [linux]
> comment = Share for sirius
> path = /usr/local/sumber/sirius
> writeable = yes
> public = yes
> --------------------
> Thanks in advanced
> Indra
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