[Samba] Samba and LDAP
Kristyan Osborne
kris at longhill.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Tue Sep 10 16:41:02 GMT 2002
in your smb.conf file on the member server you should have
security = server
password server = PDC
encrypted passwords = yes
You shouldn't have any ldap stuff in your member server smb.conf file
You will need nss_ldap and config nsswitch.conf on the member server if you want users to access files
Kristyan Osborne IT Technician
Longhill High School
01273 391672
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-----Original Message-----
From: Seema Verma [mailto:Seema.Verma at pwgsc.gc.ca]
Sent: 10 September 2002 17:08
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Samba and LDAP
I'm running samba-suse 2.2.5-64 on SuSe Linux 8.0 with OpenLDAP2-2.0.23-53. I have a samba PDC storing its password information in LDAP. I'm also using the following pam modules: pam_ldap and nss_ldap. As long as I run Samba and LDAP on the same server, I can authenticate fine from a Nt workstation. The problem comes when I bring up another samba member server or samba PDC on another Linux box, I can't seem to authenticate. The smb.conf file has the required parameters pointing to ldap server. The log show that smb_pass_check failed to authenticate on the ldap server. Could someone please help.
Thank you
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