[Samba] Can u prevent a macintosh from leaving it's of trash
files on the shares?
Noel Kelly
nkelly at citrusnetworks.net
Tue Sep 10 09:23:00 GMT 2002
check the 'veto files' parameter. We have this to deal with Mac files:
# Veto the Apple specific files that a NetAtalk server creates.
veto files = /.AppleDouble/.bin/.AppleDesktop/Network Trash Folder/
delete veto files = yes
-----Original Message-----
From: vidar [mailto:vidar at marked.no]
Sent: 10 September 2002 08:54
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Can u prevent a macintosh from leaving it's of trash
files on the shares?
I recently installed DAVE on two of the office Macintoshes.
(running 0S9.2 and OS8.6)(DAVE is mac to windows(samba) filesharing
I use SAMBA from the testing version of DEBIAN.
The mac's leave alot of files on the shares that i find annoying.
Is there a method I could use to prevent the mac from leaving it's
"trash". (filname filtering perhaps)
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