[Samba] Urgent: Integrating a NAS-Filer in a Samba-PDC controlled domain
Manuel Elgorriaga Kunze
linuxadmin at sbszh.ch
Mon Sep 9 14:06:00 GMT 2002
I'm using Samba 2.2.5 on SuSE 7.3kKernel 2.4.16 as a PDC for 50 users (soon
80), serving files and CUPS-printqueues for our Win9x boxes. Besides some
occasional, but nonetheles quite irritating, locking-problems, the
Samba-solution works fine and reliable for our pool of about 20 GB of data.
In a few months, we should get new infrastructure and we plan to do
audio-recording directly on NAS-filer through a 100Mbit network.
My problem is now, that none of the NAS-filers of the vendors we've tested
(NetApp, Procom) can be integrated in a Samba-PDC/domain: you can only
choose to use "shared mode" or full integration in a MS-NT-PDC or
MS-Win2k-ADS system. It just doesn't work using a Samba-PDC, no matter what
fine-tuning you try to do, and vendors are well aware of this problem, but
they don't work on it because it's a "very small market" (textual citation
from a discussion). So: anybody does have a commercial NAS-Filer running in
a Samba domain? If not: is it reasonable to buy an Intel-server with a 500
GB RAID-5 SCSI-disk-subsystem, put a Linux kernel >=2.4.16 on it, use
LVM/ext3 with ACL's or LVM/XFS (from SGI, with integrated ACL's) and use it
for simultaneously harddisk recording over the network by up to 10
WinXP-Workstations? What kind of issues should I look for (serverside HW,
SW, configuration)? What problems are likely to occur?
Thank you very much in advance,
Manuel Elgorriaga Kunze
Manuel Elgorriaga Kunze, IT Department
Swiss Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired
CH - 8047 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 1 491 25 55, Fax: + 41 1 492 64 75
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