[Samba] Windows cant find samba server (typical question)
Glen Gibb
grg at ridley.unimelb.edu.au
Sun Sep 8 12:43:01 GMT 2002
Is the directory /home/familia/samba writeable under unix (ie. are the
unix persmissions set so that the user can write to the folder under
If the user doesn't have the unix perms to write the file, they won't be
able to write it from Windows either.
Glen Gibb
On 8 Sep 2002, Pablo Fischer wrote:
> HI!
> Thanks.. Now I can see the Server Linux and see the shares.. but... when
> I try to put something into a share I get a message that I cant
> copy/create ANY file into that share, also.. I have the same windowze
> password like the Samba password. What could be going grong?
> My [share], properties:
> > > [shares]
> > > comment = Archivos de Familia
> > > path = /home/familia/samba
> > > public = yes
> > > writable = yes
> > > read only = no
> > > printable = no
> > > guest ok = yes
> Help, please.
> Paul Fischer
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