[Samba] Samba 2.2.5 is crap.
Joel Hammer
Joel at HammersHome.com
Sun Sep 8 10:59:00 GMT 2002
The method of uninstalling would depend on the method of installing.
rpm? source tarball? debian package?
On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 03:42:02AM +0200, Knut Ove Hauge wrote:
> Unstable windozes (hangs all the time)
> Major bugs in the printing system, mount and smbmount commands.
> Samba 2.2.5 is completely usable if you ask me. Crap I would say and
> should never been released. I consider to change to Beeweb although it
> cost money.
> BTW how do u uninstall the dirt?? using ./uninstall ???
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> Investigating the Norwegain 4.th Secret ServiceThe multiheaded beast.http://home.no.net/~knutove/knut_ove_hauge_kuren.htm
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