[Samba] REPOST: another nt4 and samba question
David Leuser II
dleuser at newhampton.org
Sat Sep 7 00:17:00 GMT 2002
SERIOUSLY.... does ANYONE have ANY ideas??? I'm stumped silly. HELP!!!!
>Hi, I'm going to scream.
>I have a "dell-installed" red hat 7.2 build and I have been attempting to
>get it to join my NT4.0 domain with samba... after getting past the old
>version of samba that shipped with it and updating to the latest samba
>from the samba web site, i still can't join my domain....
>Here's the kicker: I CAN JOIN a test domain I set up a few weeks ago,
>NT4.0 SP 5 with nothing else installed, I CANNOT JOIN my REAL nt domain
>(4.0 sp6, all the latest microsoft "security" patches applied). Does
>anybody know what is wrong with my "real" nt server and how to fix it?
>The correct IP is i don't know if it matters but the PDC
>NIC has multiple IPs attatched to it, all on different subnets.
>[root at Polonium root]# /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd -D 10 -j WILDERLAND
>-r Hobbiton -U Administrator
>Initialising global parameters
>params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file
>Processing section "[global]"
>doing parameter workgroup = Wilderland
>doing parameter server string = LTSP Samba Server
>doing parameter winbind separator = +
>doing parameter winbind uid = 10000-20000
>doing parameter winbind gid = 10000-20000
>doing parameter winbind enum users = yes
>doing parameter winbind enum groups = yes
>doing parameter template homedir = /home/%D/%U
>doing parameter template shell = /bin/bash
>doing parameter printcap name = /etc/printcap
>doing parameter load printers = yes
>doing parameter printing = lprng
>doing parameter log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
>doing parameter max log size = 0
>doing parameter security = domain
>doing parameter password server = hobbiton
>doing parameter encrypt passwords = yes
>doing parameter smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
>doing parameter socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>doing parameter local master = no
>doing parameter domain master = no
>doing parameter dns proxy = no
>pm_process() returned Yes
>lp_servicenumber: couldn't find homes
>set_server_role: ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER
>codepage_initialise: client code page = 850
>load_client_codepage: loading codepage 850.
>Adding chars 0x85 0xb7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa0 0xb5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x83 0xb6 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xc6 0xc7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x84 0x8e (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x86 0x8f (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x91 0x92 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x87 0x80 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8a 0xd4 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x82 0x90 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x88 0xd2 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x89 0xd3 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8d 0xde (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa1 0xd6 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8c 0xd7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8b 0xd8 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xd0 0xd1 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa4 0xa5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x95 0xe3 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa2 0xe0 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x93 0xe2 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xe4 0xe5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x94 0x99 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x9b 0x9d (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x97 0xeb (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa3 0xe9 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x96 0xea (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x81 0x9a (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xec 0xed (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xe7 0xe8 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x9c 0x0 (l->u = False) (u->l = False)
>load_dos_unicode_map: 850
>load_unicode_map: loading unicode map for codepage 850.
>load_unix_unicode_map: ISO8859-1 (init_done=0, override=0)
>load_unicode_map: loading unicode map for codepage ISO8859-1.
>tdb(unknown): tdb_brlock failed (fd=3) at offset 4 rw_type=1 lck_type=13
>added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
>cli_init_creds: user Administrator domain WILDERLAND flgs: 0
>cli_establish_connection: POLONIUM<00> connecting to HOBBITON<20>
>( - Administrator [WILDERLAND]
>resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name Hobbiton<0x20>
>startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /usr/local/samba/lib/lmhosts. Error
>was No such file or directory
>resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name Hobbiton<0x20>
>1 addresses returned
>internal_resolve_name: returning 1 addresses:
>Connecting to at port 445
>error connecting to (Connection refused)
>Connecting to at port 139
>error connecting to (Connection refused)
>Error connecting to (Connection refused)
>cli_establish_connection: failed to connect to HOBBITON<20>
>Error connecting to Hobbiton
>Unable to join domain WILDERLAND.
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