[Samba] Simplifying User Adding
Anthony Hess
tony at engr.arizona.edu
Fri Sep 6 16:30:47 GMT 2002
Using LDAP as the single point of authentication is easier. You can then
have their Unix and Windows accounts both use the same LDAP database for
Samba 2.0.6 is pretty old though, so I don¹t know about its LDAP support.
We run 2.2.x.
On 9/6/02 9:00 AM, "Bryan James" <BJames at woodmans-food.com> wrote:
> I was wondering if there is a way Samba can use either the Windows domain or
> Unix usernames and passwords rather than having to have add another password.
> We are running HPUX 11 samba 2.0.6 and whenever we have to add a new user
> (once or twice a month) we have to add them to the Windows domain, the Unix
> passwd file and then set them up in Samba for a password. is there a simpler
> way?
> Bryan James
> BJames at woodmans-food.com
> ---
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