[Samba] "delete list" parameter
Serge Colle
serge.colle at netzuno.com
Fri Sep 6 14:49:38 GMT 2002
It really depend on your OS. For example as mention with Linux you can
compile samba with-acl-support,
and on FreeBSD you can set the delete bit (chflags sunlnk
<@filenames>). If you are using another
OS you willl need to read its documentation.
Yura Pismerov wrote:
>Vinay Pawar wrote:
>>Samba has the "read list" and "write list" parameters in smb.conf.
>>I'm looking for a patch that provides a "delete list" option.
>>So that only that list of users can delete files or directories
>>in that share. I know the filesystem doesn't natively have a delete
>>bit, but couldn't it be done on the samba level, independant of the
> If sticky bit on a directory (that allows deletion by owner of the file
>only) does not suffice you should probably look at ACL support. You will
>have to use a filesystem that supports ACLs and re-build your samba
>--with-acl-support. Here is some info regarding Linux ext2/3 ACL
>implementation - http://acl.bestbits.at
>>Vinay Pawar,
>>Pune, India.
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