[Samba] FAT32 Problem
vellocet at gmx.ch
Fri Sep 6 14:14:01 GMT 2002
I use a Cyrix 200 MX CPU and a Motherboard with VIA Chipset. I have two
Networkinterfaces, a Realtek and a NE2000 Clone.
I donwloaded the iso's from redhat(7.3) and installed the packages inclusive
samba. i turned NAT on and the box works fine until I access the SAMBA
directories(FAT 32) with a win2k client. If I just use samba a little bit
..(directory browsing).. nothing happens. If I copy a big folder or change
the directory quite fast several times, the machine crashs. NAT is the only
thing which is still working. You can't login directly or over port 22. You
also can't shut it down. The logs say nothing. I sniffed a session to look
at the traffic but there is nothing to see. The funny thing is that I just
have this problem with the fat32 shares. the ext3 shares work fine. Is it
possible that the implementation for the FAT32 shares is buggy?
I dont know how to handle the problem. Any ideas?
thx in advance
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